VMix - Camera Not Showing in Vmix?

There are many reasons that a camera is not showing in VMix, even if you just used it a few days ago.  Let's say that you have a preset for your stream service and you are opening the settings which is done by clicking the open button at the top of the screen.  It loads everything that is shown to be open and it all looks normal, but a camera is not showing on the video screen and shows a notice of "Offline-EZCapp1":

1- The camera input has been moved or changed within the VMix program.

You never know who has been on the system before you, or logged in and you don't actually watch what is being done.  So, first thing you do is:

  1. Place your mouse in the area where your camera would show up at the lower left bottom of the screen.  Do a right click with your mouse and click RESET.  Most of the time, the camera will begin to show on the screen and now active.  If it does not, then the input port has been moved or a setting changed by another user. This is the most common support call.
  2. If the previous solution does not bring up your camera, close the little box for the camera that is not showing.  This is done by clicking CLOSE just above the numbers 1234.  At lower left of screen. choose Add Input, screen pops up, select and choose Camera.  Click the drop down box at the top of the screen and find the camera that is missing.  If the camera is not showing in the list of available inputs, the connection is bad.  This could be a cable disconnected, or not connected properly.  If you see your device showing for the particular camera, choose it.  Choose the type of input setting which in most cases using capture devices will be either Composite (RCA) or SVideo.  In the sections below that you will the option to choose the audio input for that camera.  IF YOU USE BUILT IN AUDIO it will capture sound from all around the camera.  Please see adding the Adding Audio information in this Knowlegebase.
  3. Bad capture device.  It is best to have another device available in case one of them goes out.


Here is a short video of how to add a camera into vMix:

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