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Live Streaming Your Church Service

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Adding Cameras, mixers and such.

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Do I need a license to broadcast my streams?

Simulcasting (5)

Streaming to multiple platforms like Facebook, Youtube or other

Streaming with your Mobile Phone (1)

Either Android or iPhone, find the set up instructions here...

System Requirements (2)

Will my computer handle video streaming?

Trouble Shooting VMix (4)

Tackling basic problems that could be encountered while streaming

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 Set up Simulcast in VMix (Video)

One of the easiest ways to teach you how to set up VMix for simulcast, is to show you the video...

 VMix - Stream Button Turns Yellow After Being Red.

The Stream button in vMix may show either red or orange to indicate the status of the stream....

 What is the difference between Views and Viewers I see in my analytics?

"Views" are the number of views, meaning connections/player events to your live-stream or on...

 I'm not sure if my computer can handle the live stream requirements. How do I find out?

We have found that most computer systems will handle the live stream enviroment.  As long as you...

 VMix - Camera Not Showing in Vmix?

There are many reasons that a camera is not showing in VMix, even if you just used it a few days...

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